Meow, mew, mao! No, Portimao! Port of kitties! (Just kidding) This was just a quick stop on our way to the strait, of Gibraltar. We really didn’t spend much time here. We just recovered from the 48 hour trip down and around the corner (Cape ) from Nazare. Looking at the weather window, we left Portimao 1 day early to catch the “good” wind. The first day of the trip, Thanksgiving, was brutal. The swell was “supposedly” dying down, but I still puked my brains out most of the evening. Yeah, that’s right, so instead of stuffing my face and gaining the dreaded, big 5, holiday pounds, I suffered all day, downing Dramamine and Sturgeon, and then hurled! and there was no pumpkin pie either. Come to think of it, I believe I only managed a peanut butter sando. On Brian’s watch we hit 12.5 knots surfing down a wave and then, just minutes later, sailing wing on wing got rounded up in a 54 knot puff which caused the main to gybe. It tore out a stanchion and an eyelet rated at 4 tons which were tied to the preventer (its suppose to keep the boom from swinging across the deck like Death’s scythe). The wind held at 40+ for 30 minutes and then repeated many times. Kat sailed a 49 knot blow for 20 minutes. Anyhow, the motion of the ocean and the wind both died on the second day. However, we did manage 4 knots in an 8 knot breeze. Wow – this boat goes; He-haw! And, we totally lucked out by being able to motor around the cape (kind of had to since we had zero wind at that point but as always , very strong current ) - always a treacherous sailing zone.

We were in Portimao such a short time that we didn’t even make it to town. Brian and I had a great dinner at a marina restaurant but then, just to the mini market for some fresh supplies, grabbed a shower, fixed a couple of items, and off we went. Looked pretty though!

Next stop, Barbate (back in Spain again), for a weather & tide check. A must for any prudent sailor before going through the straits. Plus, we didn’t want to get caught going through the straits at night.
All Pictures: