We could see the straits and North Africa from here, additionally, we were informed that the marina was free – schweet, schweet. Alas, it was not so! They even charged us an extra meter (for a total of 11 m length), and the boat is 10.23m! Wow, tight, and yeah, we wouldn’t be staying for long. Oh, they assigned us a berth that didn’t exist and we tied up to the wrong dock, just as well, nothing in this life is free.

Anyhow, there were a couple of very cool things to this place. Like hot showers, and kitty cats everywhere! Now seriously, there was the large anchor graveyard within the marina, as evident with all the pictures we took of them. I just hadn’t seen a big boat anchor like that up close, not to mention like 100’s of them! Brian took his usual early morning walk and found the hardware store and fish market. Anyhoo, we didn’t really get to explore the town except for a sunset beach walk Brian and I took the evening before we left. Another thing about this village is it’s ringed by pine trees and all of the pine trees are trimmed high and tight. They look like heads of broccoli. Imagine a whole 1000 acre forest trimmed up.

Now that's a cool socccer pitch!
Pine tree heads of broccoli