Dec 13th
5:3oam - 8am
We have crossed over! That is, we are officially going EAST. Translation we have gone from a westerly longitude to a easterly one. Bring on the warm weather please. Now if only we could go more south?
This was a very stressful shift for me due to the abundance of rather large tankers & container ships, that I had to dodge. However, I didn't have to do circles to avoid them this time. I count that as a small blessing.
Pre-dawn light appeared at 7:30am, but I was denied a sunrise, again - ugh! Too many clouds. This might be an ominous sign - Red sky morning sailor take warning, and all that crap. Hmmmmm.....
So just days after I swore that I would never eat or drink again (remember puke a ramo), well, Carl cooked this irresistible vegetarian, Thai curry dish, that I couldn't help but eat. Two servings worth, to be exact. I knew it was wrong, but hey, I was hungry.
Anyhow, yeah, I was sea sick again. Luckily, this time without the throwing up part, but slept with "the bucket" just in case.
This whole sailing thing would be so much more fun if I didn't get so sea sick!