Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Long Journey – a diary

Dec 11th
A puke free day - hooray! Got some sleep finally. Changed medications to Strugeon in the wee hours of the morning and it started to kick in. Wow, what a relief!
11:30pm - 2:30am Shift
This is a shoot-a-rama night, as in shooting stars and I have never seen so many, that I lost count! Wicked cool. I also managed to find Orien's belt, & the big dipper. Or was that the little one? Hard to tell really, but it was definitely a dipper.
Their are so many stars, so many more than one would ever see in the city, or the burbs for that matter. The water was dead calm, eerie really, so much so that the stars reflected off the water like moonlight on a river. It was starlight ocean!
Dec 12th
7 - 9:30am
No glorious sunrise this time around, only a dolphin entourage! Dolphins, are a sailors best friend / great company, and so comforting to me. They are like little ambassadors of the sea.
10pm - 12:30am
Ooo, lots of boat traffic tonight. I had to do 2 full, wide circles because of large tankers being way to close for comfort. That's the scariest thing, I think, about sailing is traffic at night. One is definitely a little fish in a big fish ocean, if you know what I mean! You feel like you can't be seen, and sometimes you aren't wrong in that feeling. I had to use the light strobe - this blinding, blinking thing to announce our presence. Now that's a strong cup of wake you up, I'm here.