We arrived in Switzerland, home of my Dad. The bus ride from hell, that only stopped for dinner for like, 5 minutes, really 20 but felt short, seamed to stop every 45 minutes for border crossings or restbreaks during the middle of the night. They made me get off the bus at 3am for some unknown reason - Meow. Whatever! This is the same bus Brian had to throw a hissy fit on just so we could sit together. Anyhow, this bus arrived not at the ungodly scheduled time of 6 am but 5:15am! Great. Oh, but it did stop smack in the middle of town. However, the bus stop was a parking lot. Okay, so we ventured over to the Haptbanhof (the main train station) where we knew there would be amenities. First, however, we needed Swiss Franc (SFc) because they don't take Euros! Whatever! Oh, and 1 SFc = 1USD! OMFG! So when it cost 2 Sfc to use the loo, that's 2 bucks people for the toilet, I was concerned. Let's say Brian's introduction to Switzerland thus far was less than stellar. Thank goodness for family!
Doris picked us up and whisked us away to the Lake house which was smack on lake Zurich, complete with it's own little dock and huge grassy back yard. Awaiting us, was Beat (Doris's brother, my other cousin) and his wife Silong, along with a huge, beautiful, delicious breakfast, brunch spread on the back outdoor patio. We felt like royalty as we basked in the sun, dining with family. We spent the rest of the day lounging around and swimming in the lake. Oh, and using the outdoor shower. It was grand.

The "Rene" Gnome & Friend

So as fate would have it, we arrived in Zurich just in time for the largest Techno street parade of the year, in all of Europe. So Saturday, we trotted off to the city to enjoy the action. Wow. It was raining but that didn't stop anyone. However, at $7 a beer, we didn't stay long, and Doris had made us dinner back at the pad.

Sunday, Doris let us have her car so we headed off to the picturesque town of Luzcern. We strolled the city streets, and had lunch at a cafe next to the river. However, as Brian was suffering from a bus cold, we cut the day short and headed back. That gondola ride up Mt. Pilatus will just have to wait until next time!

Monday as Brian recuperated, I was treated to a day at the Doris's hair saloon/perfumeria downtown Zurich. Hey, A girl has to do what a girl has to do and beauty doesn't come cheap or easy! It was fabulous! While there I changed our bus tickets for Barcelona from Tuesday to Thursday, claiming Brian had the swine flu and they wouldn't want him traveling on their Eurolines bus! It worked, but it cost me. What did I expect, we were in Switzerland after all. Unfortunately, the 8am departure time did not change. What is up with Eurolines and their schedules?
Anyhow, Beat and Silong came over from Bern (where they have a flat) to make a traditional Thai dinner for us. I mentioned feeling like royalty, yeah, it was awesome.

Tuesday Brian and I just lounged around the Lake house, did laundry and cooked dinner for Doris. It was a great, relaxing day.

Wednesday, Doris took us to Interlaken. Another very picturesque place in Switzerland. We did not have time to make it up the Jungfrau tallest mountain in CH as it is an all day adventure. We did see lots of tadem paragliders.

Bern (Bear)
After some fun shopping in Interlaken, we took off to see some of the sites in Bern, the capital just an 1 1/2 hours away. Yes, kitty's whirl wind travel plan. Anyhow, we saw some of the major things, like the astralogical clock tower, the Parliament building, the main drag, and the river. Alas, no trip to see the bears. Next time.

Since we were in the neighborhood, we stopped by Beat & Silongs place near Bern on our way back to Zurich. Silong made us all dinner (awesome) while Beat showed us his still and broke out the schnapps. (He used to be a Schnappsmeister, no really, so cool, and now just makes his own). Anyhow, after some sampling we headed back. Thank goodness Doris was driving!
Barcelona here we come....