It was packed and buzzing with tourists. We laid out our sheet and promptly were roasting in the sun. After a quick dip, I decided to take a nap. Laying on my purse, full well knowing the thieves at the beach, I fell asleep. When Brian took a dip in the med, one of the beach vendors came by and stole my purse! Not only was it a really cute Fossil bag, but it had my passport, Eurolines bus pass, wallet, with driver's licence, visa credit card, bank card, and reciprocal yacht club card in it. Among other things, was a USB stick with pictures and work, and my Frida Kahlo garnet necklace that Brian got me in Mexico City. The topper was the lady next to me saw it happen but didn't bother to wake me. Sure, she was French and didn't speak much English, and totally not her responsibility to foil a crime, but come on! You think she would have yelped or kicked sand on me, something!

The Halloween street

Medieval land

The Enchanted Forest
Anyhow, totally freaked out, I ran to the police station like a keystone cop. However, it was not funny. After calming down, cancelling my cards, and eating a cookie offered by the police woman who had been doing stolen wallet/purse reports all day, we made our way back to the hotel.
Dumb. That is how I felt.
Determined to pull out of the slump, the next day we went exploring the city. Wouldn't you know it, there was a huge festival going on - the Garcia de la Familia or something like that. After locating it, as it was spread out on several streets, we took a look around. Every street was a different theme of some sort of pagan ish holiday, using recycled material for art. It was very cool. Topped off at the end of the night with a pyrotechnic parade.

The next day was sort of a get it together day - all business. We did manage however, to go see Guadi's famous La Sanga Familia cathedral, and take a peek inside. It was awesome. Monday was get the kitty a passport day and we were at the embassy when it opened, at 0900. Being first in line has it's advantages, like it only took an hour to get my new passport. I even managed to get it for a 1 year period. I guess because of 9/11 and the patriot act, emergency passports are only available for 3 months usually. Anyhow, we did go back to the beach with much more success and happiness. We also took in some of the traditional sites of the city including, Las Rambles, the Gothic cathedral and quarter, and the Olympic stadium & surrounding hilltop area.