This is Australia's tallest mountain range ( about 4500 ft) that features what would be Australia's version of the grand canyon. It is steeped in aboriginal history to boot ( white man didn't get to screw it up until 1850). The most prominent being a rock feature called the "3 sisters", at Echo Point. The town is Katoomba and resembles something out of a old western mountain town. We had a pizza one foggy night at small cafe where we ate by the fireside and drank a bottle BYO of "cheeky red" wine.
Even though it rained while we stayed hear, and it was fiercely cold, we had a blast. As the first stop on our tour, this was a first time experience for us both. If you ever make it here, don't miss hiking the scenic walkway at the bottom of the Ferber stairs. It is a rain forest at the bottom of the canyon and a pine forest on top. Then ride the converted coal train back to the top (I suggest you take it back up like we did unless your a masochist - 1800 steps). This is a 52 degree grade, which feels like a 90, that takes you back to the top in mer minutes!