What can I say about Bora Bora, well, it’s cute. I had very high expectations here too, and even though I wasn’t let down, it wasn’t really what I expected either. However, it is a resort island, bungalows everywhere on the motu’s that surround the island, but being on a boat gives one a different perspective. If I had come to Bora on my honeymoon for 4 or 5 days, I think that I would be thrilled. It is pretty, but there is not much to do here except eat, drink, swim, and sleep (leading me to dub it "Boring Boring" - J/K!). There are a few little boutiques to visit and some shopping but everything is very expensive (as usual).

Anyhow, we managed to do a short hike over the top of the island which was fun. Then Bri and I went in the opposite direction from Mona & Paula, walking on the road back to the Bora Bora YC. This was insightful as well as fun. We met some other tourists who needed directions and ended up getting a ride with them to see some of the cannons from World War II (relics). The next day we rented electric bicycles (Bri, Mona & I). We stopped in a tiny maritime museum, ran into some other cruisers whom we turned on to fresh coconut water (at a local roadside stand), laid on the beach, went for a snorkel, and dined at the famous “Bloody Mary’s” for lunch. We couldn’t afford dinner! We also stopped at a crazy pearl farm and some cute galleries with amazing artwork.

Old WWII Cannon

At the coconut vendor, again!

On yer bike!

Well, it was small but good!

Lunch at Bloody Mary's and making (fury) friends

One wacked out totem at the pearl farm
However, most of the activities and places to be are out on the surrounding motu. All the resorts are located not on the mainland, but on these tiny reef islands. We ended up hoping on the Hilton shuttle and having drinks at the resort. The four seasons wouldn’t let us on their’s. It was eerily quite but very beautiful. After a week of being here we were all itching to leave. However, as always, it is weather permitting. With that said we ended up staying for a cruisers potluck which was very nice before heading out.