Again, we budgeted a day to day and a half to complete this 135nm to Tahiti. Again we were waylaid, with us finally arriving on the island of Moorea (right next to Tahiti and the place where the PPJ party was being held) on Saturday evening. We were spent as it was a hard sail with the wind really kicking up the last 12 hours making it difficult. It was a beat to the bay where the 70 other boats that did the jump were anchored. Most had sailed over from Tahiti that day also in a PPJ regatta. The big party/celebration was to be the next day and I was looking forward to it. We anchored in the furthest cove away from the masses, but closest in to shore in Robinson’s Cove.

The next morning it was raining and the festivities were to begin at 9:30am. Oh well, in we went, arriving sopping wet. It was all well worth it – a very fun occasion indeed. I learned how to crack open a coconut and paddle a 6 person outrigger! I’m stoked!!! Survivor here I come!

The next day Liz, Don, Brian, & I decided to go ashore for a hike up to the Belvedere (the lookout). Along the way we stopped at the local farm renowned for its jams, coffee, and vanilla bean products. I had the most excellent coffee, used the loo, purchased some gifts, and off we went. At the lookout we ran into a bunch of other cruisers who had the same idea. After chatting for a bit Brian, Liz, and I decided to venture on as I had spied a dirt trial off to one side. Being adventurous, we hiked into the foliage heading towards the sounds of water. I was sure their must be a waterfall and with the deluge of rainfall, it was a pretty good assumption. If their wasn’t one to begin with, surely their would be one soon. It was just so cool to be in it – the hills, the rain, the great outdoors – terra firma. As we got closer to the sounds of running water we ran into some people we met the night before (at an insane party on this huge sailboat). They all had red markings from some tree root all over their face and body, and had just come from this “amazing waterfall”. When asked about how to obtain the body paint, they wild eyed and excitedly exclaimed “the Monkey, the Monkey”. Then they told us all about the waterfall and how they climbed up it, how cool it was, etc & off they ran. Yeah, we are so there.

We never found the tree root or flower to obtain the paint but we did have a great time playing and bathing in the waterfall. Liz even washed her clothes. I was just so grateful to have a shower, and to have plenty of water to shave and wash my hair. Yeah, I carry that stuff in my purse wherever I go. One lesson I have learned is you never know when or where you will find a shower, and one should never pass up the opportunity – Boy Scout rules. Hike on!

So we thought we could just go down the dirt path that our friends came up and arrive back down in the bay we were anchored in. After all, they came up that way? Why we thought we should listen to people shouting “the Monkey, the Monkey”, I don’t know. Anyhow, I guess we missed the sign for the trail. Oh yeah, what sign! Anyhow, we were going down for a while and at the same time transversing the mountain. However, 1 ½ hours later, and when we started ascending, we realized it wasn’t going to happen. Standing on the ridge that divided the island, I convinced the others to just keep going, hike over and down the other side. Then just hitch a ride back. In Moorea there is really only one road, and it goes around the perimeter of the island.
We got a bit more than we bargained for but it was super fun. The trail we came down on had some storm damage, and we had to scramble over some fallen trees, and wiped out bridges. We made it down to the “nature center”, got our bearings, and then took off towards the main paved road. Then it really started raining which was good because I had gotten totally muddy again and needed another rinse.
Who’s going to pick us up now? Three totally soaked strangers who spoke very little French. Well, this very nice man in a very nice Audi, that’s who. He was just out for a drive and asked us where we wanted to go. Right on! 25 km would have been a really long walk especial after a 6 hour hike!
We left the next day for Tahiti. Moorea was beautiful and I highly recommend it.