Day 15 – Friday April 30th
It’s the last day of the month. Rainy day start and just wanted to curl up and watch movies. Days are blending together now. The big event of the day is dinner. No cooking for me tonight-yeah. I just laid around reading, sunning, napping, and riding on the bow sprit watching the water.
I don’t know what I expected but not this – weather has been cool & overcast mostly. Everyone said I’d be so bloody hot that I would welcome any rain or wind. Hmmmmmmm. I’m cold.
Tonight’s Dinner: Breaded fresh Ahi and potatoes by Ben & Brian
Day 16 – Saturday May 1st
Well I thought we’d be in Tahiti by this time when we left for s/v Imagine in La Paz on March 5th! Well at least we are doing better than our Med average – we are only 1 month behind in leaving. Oh, and we are not on Imagine. No surprise there as you have to be flexible when boat hitch hiking.
It’s May – WTF!!!
Other WTF moments running through my head:
I’m going to be 40 in a month- yikes!
We are over half way to the Marquises
It’s pouring down rain. (It started last night and has not let up. Thank goodness for icing glass and an enclosed cockpit.)
How much chess can 2 people play? (In reference to Ali and Don’s marathon sessions lasting 4 -5 hours a day, sometimes twice a day.)
Tonight’s Dinner: Beet and parsley fettuccini pasta by Kat
Sidebar: Our daily routine
Night watch
Chess / Read (for everyone else)
Listen to the SSB radio
Cook Dinner
Sleep / Nap
This routine varies when we:
Run the generator
Run the watermaker
Do laundry
Tack sails
Catch a fish
Watch a movie
Listen to music
Day 17 – Sunday May 2nd
We are getting close to the equator and talks of a Neptune party run wild. Rumors of wearing a tie, lipstick, and a ceremony ensue. “What you brought a tie”, asked Don. “No, a sail tie”, said Ali. You get the picture.
It’s another rainy and grey day today but Brian has stepped up to make bread for us. This is our first attempt.
We watched 3 movies today: Waterworld, Sex in the City, and Beverly Hills Cop (the original). It was super fun and I almost felt normal.
Tonight’s Dinner: Spilt pea soup with homemade wheat bread by Kat & Brian
Day18 – Monday May 3rd
Motoring, wind on the nose but out of the doldrums & rain, I think. We are almost to the equator now – 1*54’.495N 129*04’.12W, 902 nm to go to the Marquises and Paul Gauguin’s playground. I should have been an art history major.
Tonight’s Dinner: Steak & Potatoes with veggies: cabbage, carrots, peas by DonDay 19 – Tuesday May 4th
During my watch 2 – 4pm, eta to the celebration was 3:30pm. We were on track to the Marquesas at a heading of 227 degrees.
I’m going to wear my high heals, white dress and pirate booty swim trunks with gold jewelry. I think that would be an appropriate attire for such an event!
Their will be speeches made and presentations given. I am looking forward to it – s/b fun.
Afterwards: It was super fun but that’s all I can tell you, wogs.
Day 20 – Wednesday May 5th
Stars out. I saw the Southern Cross – looks like a kite.
Tonight’s Dinner: Spaghetti Bolognese by Kat
Day 21 – Thursday May 6th
We are 3 weeks out to sea, and are making great time now with the trade winds finally in our favor.
I am so burnt out on reading. We are going so fast and heeling so much it is hard to really do anything. Fishing is out since we are flying, like 7.7 kts. It is hard to sleep and I am ready for Land Ho!
Four more days maybe?
Tonight’s Dinner: Chicken, rice and bean salad by Brian & Ben
Day 22 – Friday May 7th
Really bored. Burnt out.
Tonight’s Dinner: Breakfast for dinner – Pancakes, eggs & bacon by Ben & Brian
Day 23 – Saturday May 8th
I got a shower today and so needed it. Then I immediately got showered by salt water when a huge wave came through the port side portal and douched me – ugh! So much for trying to be clean. What’s the point?
Tonight’s Dinner: Veggie Couscous and chicken by Kat
Day 24 – Sunday May 9th
Today is our expected day of arrival and we are certainly close. We hope to make landfall by this evening. We have 70.3 nm to go, and our SOG is 6.0 kts so 12 hours to go – keep your fingers crossed.
It’s Don’s Birthday today. I’m making him some cookies to celebrate.
Land Ho @ 5:15pm!
We are now staling for daybreak with 30nm to go. We want to anchor in the daylight.
Ben picks up the VHF radio – “Hello, is anybody out there?” So funny, well at least it was to us. We’ve been away too long.
Tonight’s Dinner: Steak, garlic smashed potatoes, carrots & peas by Brian
Day 25 – Monday May 10th
Arrived at 8:15am into the harbor ~ Hiva Oa, Marquises
Love you