Our new home, for the time being, is a beautiful 65ft Gulfstar, center cockpit, sailboat. We will be helping a family sail to New Zealand, where they are originally from. Although, they have been living in the states for 15 years and still have a home in California.
The boat mascot - a "Merchilla (Mermaid/chinchilla)
We will be laying our heads in a beautiful v-berth stateroom and even have our own bathroom! Their are 3 heads total, each with showers on the boat, two staterooms (aft & forward- the v berth), and two crew cabins (each with bunk beds). The center cockpit has a hard top and is fully enclosed if you want it to be. Schweet, schweet, indeed!

Perfect, puddle jump and Tahiti here we come. Maybe finally I can visit my friend in Australia (since I never made it to Micronesia!). When at first you don't suceed, try going around the other way :) !