With that said, Brian & I checked into a room. I stunk, and knew it. Being totally grateful, I took full advantage of the shower and private bath right after we got some boat chores done first – like getting camping gas to cook with. Ya, we arrived on a Saturday, knowing that everything is closed Sunday, we had to hustle. Anyhow, we managed to have a nice dinner where we ate huge Greek salads. I swear, I ate about 3 whole tomatoes myself!
Due to weather, it was decided we would not leave until maybe Monday. Great, more time to explore. There is supposed to be a great hike and some nice beaches on the southwest side of the island of Crete. Renting a car, Brian and I took off on our adventure. It being already late afternoon and we hadn’t eaten yet, we rushed out of town to make a sunset dinner in Sougia.
Well, it was romance “interrupt-us” as we came around the corner of a windy mountainous road and encountered a truck coming down in our lane. We had no where to go but into him, literally. Yes, that’s right – smack-a-roo! Luckily, we were headed up the hill and only in first gear, impacting at 5- 10 mph, so no one got hurt. That’s the good news. The bad news was we were Americans. Oh, and they spoke no English (in the truck). Then it started to rain. Right. Three hours later, a trip down to the police station in the police car, a trip back up to get the car, and a discussion with our rental agent (who showed up) about who was at fault (as they tried to blame us – good thing we had the camera & the evidence was clearly against them, but still it was bad – the driver even went so far as to pick up the glass & plastic and move it into his lane to try and blame us, bad), and still no dinner or food, we were escorted back to the boat. Yes, you heard correctly. They had no other car to give us. Not that it mattered since our plans were ruined. Their Insurance - it's all Greek to us!
Tuesday we leave for Karpathos, Greece and to visit with one of Carl’s friends.