Monday, November 23, 2009

Change of Plans

I guess what I hear most often from other cruisers is that you must remain flexible. Things change, people change (their minds, that is), situations change. As Brian and I reflected over the events of the past couple of months, we ultimately decided that getting to La Coruna, Spain, from England in a mere 2 1/2 months time, was well, just too slow of a pace for us. Not ever wanting, nor prepared for cold, wet, winter weather sailing, we found ourselves smack in the middle of it. I was depressed, and we felt like we were in a rut. So.... change! And we have.

New plan; jump on another, faster boat, heading for South Africa, and/or maybe Vietnam. Just think "ultra limber". Oh, we could go anywhere....

Stay turned for you never know what will happen next.