Munich, aka land of
Beer! As Homer Simpson would say, mmmmm beer. Right, so Brian was totally excited to go here, but as we found out, again, we were dropped off by our lovely bus at the very edge of town. Again, next to the Underground so at least Eurolines showed some mercy. We began to wonder if they harbored a sick sense of humor and a desire for their bus travelers to be well versed in each countries public transportation system! Right, so off to the ticket window to book our next bus trip leg since we can not do this in advance, and must do it when we arrive in each country.
Do you speak English? Ya, great. We would like to go to Zurich next. Nope, you can't. What? That bus is full. 3 destinations later, we finally found a bus ride to .... Budapest! Great, I love the East and it should be a little more economical. However, the big bummer was we had to leave that night at 9pm! That leaves us 6 or so hours for Munich :( It was the only thing available for at least a week.

Let's go! First up, the Hofbrau Haus und ein Bier! I really can't believe Brian's uncanny ability to find his way in any city on limited info or sketchy broken English directions. I thought it was just his internal beer homing device, but as I learned later in other cities, it's not. It is just instincts. But boy, watch out if he gets turned around, it's bad.

Securing a table outside in the biergarten, we open the menu's to take a look, its in Greman!. Did all my German language knowledge just fall out of my head? What does this say again? I recognized 2 words - spatzalie and Kase. Yup, that's what I'm having. 2 beers the size of a small child’s swimming pool (1 per person) 45 minutes later, and 2 English menu's, we ordered! Buzzzzzzzzzzzzed
Good German food, yum. That called for another, beer that is. At 5pm we got up from our table to look around the place. They had beer stein lockers for their regulars, an umpapa dance party going on up on the 3rd level, a brewing tank area display, historical pictures and plaques to read, and miles and miles of tables for the 5000 people this place could hold. Holly guacamole beerman!

It was drizzling, again, so we just kind of wondered around for a while. Took in St. Peterskirsch (Church) and went to an Asia noodle bar for dinner. Ya, not really a huge fan of German food. Plus, there is not a whole lot of vegetarian in their diet!

The Rathaus

Water Feature in front of the church
Back to the bus. That's 2 nights in a row sleeping in a seat for those counting. It sucks! And the icing on the cake, we arrived in Budapest at 6am! Whohoo! Off we go.......