Big Ben
London, it's great to be back! I can't believe its been 19 years, and the only thing that has really changed is, well, me. Wow, these packs are heavy, or maybe I am just getting old ? The later being the more likely. Even though it is drizzling, I am sweating to death in grand ole London.The bus dropped us off near Victoria rail and tube station which was great! I was a little worried but the company did say the bus lines went to the center of the city. I guess so far so good.
Picadilly Circus
After a couple of phone calls, I secured us a hostel smack in the middle of the action - Piccadilly Circus! Action for sure, London was besieged by people, tourists & students. I don't evey remember it being this busy, but it is high season.
Formulating a plan of action, we head out. No time to waste. We only had two days and 1 night so we had a bunch to pack in. First, all the usual touristy spots - like Trafalgar square, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey - which we unknowingly snuck in through the back door, Buckingham Palace, etc. Then a quick trip to Leicester Square to hopefully score some half price theatre tickets. No such luck but that didn't stop me from finding some 10 pound tickets to a show anyhow- "Avenue Q". Not sure what it is, and know nothing other than it's cheap, a musical comedy, it's at 8pm (so we can make it) and close to the hostel. Perfect since we finished our laundry at 730pm! A must since all our clothes reeked of diesel for the Black Penny. Also, from the crazy lady who jumped up and down on Brian's backpack braking a bottle of tequilia. The bag was stored under the bus in the luggage rack only being opened for the customs checkpoint - unbelievable!

Buckingham Palace
What can I say, well the theatre was amazing, but small. Just right for an intimate setting. The play started off slow, and we both looked at each other a little weird when the actors all had hand puppets. Okay, no problem, singing Sesame Street for adults. Then things got a little crazy, or shall we say hilarious when they started singing songs like "everyone's a little bit racist", the "porn song", and "schadenfreude". I'm pretty sure the last once was some made up German word, but whatever it was, it was funny. After intermission, it got even crazier, as the puppets, not the people, undress and had puppet sex on stage! Or, their puppet characters did! It was puppet porno! Very, very funny.

The London Eye
Refreshed from a nights sleep in a hostel room with 4 beds, we took off to explore my old flat, the Kennsingtion area, and ride the London Eye. We got to Gloucester tube stop and went by the old college flat. Just minutes later, we literally had to run into a pub as a massive rain storm hit. Yup, summer in London.

After a ride on the amazing London Eye, the world's largest ferris wheel with a height of 420 ft, a quick stop passed Shakespeare's Globe theatre, a walk over Tower Bridge, and a look through St. Paul's cathedral, we ran back to the hostel to grab our gear. Off we go, hopping on the bus, next stop Amsterdam!
St. Paul's Catherdral & a classic double decker