To pull ourselves out of the doldrums, we decide to go to Chetemal with Steve (he goes every Monday to stock the restaurant) to buy some used bicycles. Score, we found some real beauties, but in Bacalar. This is a small resort town built around a large lake. As we sat and drank a few cold ones by the waters edge, waiting for the bicycle shop to open after siesta, I marveled at the colors of the water. They were very ocean like, except at the edges, then they were murky like a lake normally are. Too relaxed to take pictures, you'll just have to image it.

So far the bikes are a hit, even more so now that I deck mine out in hello kitty stickers, streamers, and nail polish (as paint). It's sparkly! Meow Also a hit, is the new floaty Brian had to have. Well, it is a water love seat, complete with his and hers cup holders. I just don't know if both Bri and I can fit on it together. It will be fun trying! So shopping good (fun), but shopping bad (on the budget).
My bike was a steal, at 300 pesos (like $23 bucks)! Brian's was more and he got a girls bike- he,he. The kitty shredder lives to ride another day. I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike.....