As the media frenzy about the Swine flu intensifies and all of Mexico begins to shut down, we plan to leave for Isla Murjers (Island of the Women) to bring the transmissions to Cancun. As we sit in the Internet cafe we look up at the TV (CNN or something like it) and see the Minister of Heath, or in Mexico, the Secretary of Salud (State). Don´t we know this guy? Oh yes, that´s the big wig we took sailing with his family when the boat broke down! Wow.
Anyhow, since we have no power and must sail in, we can´t go directly to Cancun. Getting into a quiet and adequate anchorage will be challenge enough. Only 180 miles to sail to Isla Murjers, and then once there a quick and cheap ferry ride over to Cancun. This should take between 24 - 36 hours, depending on weather. It always comes down to that. Good thing we will have friends Sara and Thane on board to assist. Even though they have no real sailing experience (they will after this trip) it is always nice to have extra hands who are willing to learn.
All aboard, Friday, May 1st, along with an entire grocery store full of food, the six of us head off for blue waters. We´re going sailing :) Yippee! The adventure continues....