It's Tuesday and 85 degrees out. Woowho, we're going to the beach! Life is sunny, then the sunny goes to the beach :) All kinding aside, it was worth suffering through the 5 days of drizzle in San Francisco to get to weather like this. Also, it is nice to have a car to explore some new places in San Carlos. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind taking the bus, and love walking, but that only takes one so far. The hard to reach places and hidden treasures can only be found when you have transportation.
So we decided to go over to the old club med spot, since we heard the playa was so beautiful. The bonus was we found the Soggy Pesos Bar along the way, which several people mentioned to us the first time we were in San Carlos, next to the resort we were going to check out. It was definitely worth the 15 minute trip!