Thursday, February 26, 2009

3 Blogs behind - hikes, trains & adventures!

We are currently inland exploring the Copper Canyon reigon in Chihuahua, Mexico, and only have brief internet access (at a cafe). Stories and amazing pictures coming soon!
We are safe and well.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Fish Tail

It was a dark and stormy morning. Well it was cold, dark and a quarter to 5 am. I couldn’t tell whether it was my excitement, or the smell of exhaust from the freshly started large twin diesel engines, that got my stomach churning. Today was the 1st day of the San Carlos Yellowtail fishing tournament.

I was lucky enough to find a ride on a 36 ft high-powered fisherman’s dream named, “Fun Ticket”. The boat owner, Bob, was nice enough to allow me to fill in for an injured angler at the last minute.

We had lines in the water 10 minutes before sunrise using Mullet as bait. Having just finished putting on sunscreen, my reel started to run. FISH ON! Confused as to what do, my reaction was slow. The rest of the boat helped me figure it out by yelling loudly at me. With numb hands and aching shoulders and poor form, I manage to land one of the largest Yellowtails of the event.

The rest of the day we trolled around San Pedro Island, passing within 50 yards of the cliffs and other competing boats, trying not to tangle or snag our lines. We managed to catch 2 more large keepers before the bite fell off. We hauled ass to a new spot, closer to the finish scales and I hooked up with less than 30 minute to go in the timed tournament (4pm was the cut off for the day). With much better form and help of the skipper, the 19lbs fish was landed with minutes to spare.

Exhausted, wind whipped, and reeking of fish, I returned back to the hotel. Oh, did I mention, it was Valentine’s Day? Honey, I’m home… here, kitty, kitty, kitty…

After a fun dinner out and a stop at Dairy Queen for dessert, the next morning was tough to make the boat on time. Arriving a few minutes to 5am, I found the boat dark. I had missed a phone message from Bob telling me to be at the boat at 6am. This morning was clearer, but colder. However, now I had my fish catching groove on. Alas, no such luck, as we only managed to catch 2 fish today. Out of 17 boats, we came in 5th. Not bad, and I had fun. Fish on!

Enjoy the pictures.

Day 2 Catch


First Day- 2 Out of 3

Hauling Ass to the next site

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Resolutions in Progress

One started and 4 more to go, on accomplishing my New Years 2009 Resolutions! I have started my exercise program. Currently it exists of mainly Yoga and Pilates, but boy, that is enough! I am so sore, that it's not even funny. I guess that means it's working or I'm working :)

On another note, we have started exploring the local area. We are in the state of Sonora on the mainland side of the northern part of the Sea of Cortez. It is really different and Guymas, the big working port town, next to San Carlos has a lot of history. Guymas like the other costal towns, has a Malecon, but nothing like Puerto Vallarta, nor Laz Paz for that matter. It is much shorter, and is more like a big plaza or square. It is not like the resort areas but cool none the less. It has a huge fountain at one end and benches and statues, complete with a pirate ship at the other end.

Enjoy the pictues!

The Pirate ship at the end of the Malecon
Me in the huge crowd at the moive theater seeing Si Senor (Yes Man)

The working man's Malecon

The Guymas Statue, with city center in background.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Beach Day

It's Tuesday and 85 degrees out. Woowho, we're going to the beach! Life is sunny, then the sunny goes to the beach :) All kinding aside, it was worth suffering through the 5 days of drizzle in San Francisco to get to weather like this. Also, it is nice to have a car to explore some new places in San Carlos. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind taking the bus, and love walking, but that only takes one so far. The hard to reach places and hidden treasures can only be found when you have transportation.

So we decided to go over to the old club med spot, since we heard the playa was so beautiful. The bonus was we found the Soggy Pesos Bar along the way, which several people mentioned to us the first time we were in San Carlos, next to the resort we were going to check out. It was definitely worth the 15 minute trip!

The view to the left

The Soggy Pesos Bar

On the Road Again

Yep, you guessed it, up at 4:00am, on the road by 4:45am. First stop, Peoria (next to Phoenix) Arizona, home of my Aunt and Cousins. We made it in 12 hours flat, pretty smooth sailing, and yes we made stops!

It was great to see everyone again and spend some time with my Aunt. We actually stayed a couple of days so we could BBQ & watch the Superbowl together.

Monday, we were back on the road to Mexico! This time, a much nicer start, 10am. Now that's my kind of hour. Even though we don't have a boat to go to, we still packed up the van with all our stuff to outfit one. It's boat or bust for us, but that's the kind of "go for it" type of people we are! :)

Getting across the boarder in Nogalas was a bit nerve racking, as we packed down the car and covered all our things so one really couldn't tell how much stuff we had. They sometimes make you log every serial number of every piece on board. We had passports in hand and car insurance proof at the ready, when I realized we were in. What, that was it? Yep, easy as pie, we just drove right in, no stopping.

After navigating through Nogalas and onto the highway, we were on our way - 407 Kilometers to go to San Carlos.

Here's some of the sites:

Highway 15 through the beautiful Sonoran Dessert.

Captain Brian at the helm!

Co-Pilot and Chief Navigator

Hassle free zone? Not sure what this means :)

One way to slow traffic down in town. Street vendors- bringing the shopping directly to U!

The highway is a toll road, well worth it. Nice ride.

Statuary stop

Cool vendors along the way