Saturday, December 13, 2008
Saint Guadalupe Day
Dec 12th, the most revered person in Mexico is celebrated. It also kicks off the holiday season from the 12th to the 24th with a bunch of festivals and traditions. I am hoping to experience some of them. Currently, La Paz is in the holiday spirit, decorated and lights everywhere. Several blocks downtown are also shut down and lined with vendors, food booths, and holiday shoppers. It is so cool; especially to see the lights on the palm trees, but it just doesn’t feel like December to me. I guess because I am sitting here in a tank top and shorts writing this! However, not to brag, it was cold earlier this week – like 70 degrees – burrrrrrrr!!! I had to wear pants. Also, I caught a stupid cold from freezing my buttocks off on the ferry! Meow
Palapa Sunset - La Paz