Brian Stories
from Cabo Pulmo:
After leaving Cabo -``Leave a Paycheck``- we stopped of at a beautiful place named Cabo Pulmo. It is a difficult anchorage because of the beautiful National Park reef that is so close to the beach, but with good advice we were able to find the right spot. We headed to the beach and found a cool solar power town that had 4 restaurants and 3 dive shops. That evening, we talked to the locals and the gringos to find the best spots to eat and dive as we planned to spend the whole next day. Everything was in a great vibe for a fun day when we motored the dingy to the reef for a morning dive. Just as we thought about setting the anchor, another small dingy approaching from shore told us, we were not allowed to anchor near the reef with the dingy and overnight anchoring was a Federal offense and the marine patrol had been sent. Lickity split, we haled ass back to the boat. Once aboard, everyone flung into action, the skipper issuing boat orders, Kat and Susan following them and Brian tearing apart the dingy load of dive gear. We bugged out in 10 minutes. Amazing as it takes us 15 mins to tack the sails. There was great suspicion about the cops being called but, if worried, you leave first and wonder later. We cleared out with incident. Later in La Paz we heard from an all knowing source that our anchor spot was well inside the Park no anchor zone, and we were lucky to not have the boat impounded. So much for the info from the locals. My informed source said he had anchor south out side of the park and cast his lobster net. I got the chance to inform him, this year’s Gringo fishing license says no Shellfish, Lobster scallops, clams, crabs, at all. Big bummer. So far I haven’t taken 1 shot with my new spear gun due to park regs or being to far off shore.
Stories from La Paz:
La Paz is the classic Mexico city, everything you want, noting you need. It is a waterfront city on a torturous harbor. There is no short cutting the buoys. Miss a buoy you’re a ground. Leave at low tide you might run aground. Coming in at ebb (low) tide is just as tough as the GG Bridge but only 500 ft wide. There is a Marina right at the mouth of the channel for those who hate the ditch, but it is where the Fuel tankers pull to pier. Our spot is way down the fairway (course laid out by buoys) just past the center of town, which is defined by the old mission church of LaPaz. We arrived at Marina de la Paz to find the dock hand waving us into or slip and help securing the boat to slip in a heavy cross current a wind too match. Brian was the human fender with the downwind boat as there was no finger between. After a nice mishap thrust off the neighboring boat by, Brian the human fender, the boat was rapidly held in place by Kat and Susan.
In La Paz one day we came across some good friends Alan and Christine and compared restaurant stories. Kat and I dined at one of their recommendations. We ate early 4:30 ish as we had missed lunch. La Fonda’s was the place and the food was outstanding and traditional foods from Baja. Later that night I ran into Eric, a fellow Baja trip taker, who after downing a 40 oz beer I had given him, proclaimed to be very hungry and didn’t want the old gringo beans and rice, fish taco sort of thing. Well as you might have guessed, he thought my recommendation of my previous meal was a just cause to try it, or, in my case try it again. We left my fellow Montezuma challenged crew members behind and enjoyed a great cilantro snapper dish with an amazing taco soup first. I confess the meal was just as pleasing as the first time I had tried it 3 hours earlier.
Up early Sat am as the advice for the Fish market called for early arrival. My entry revealed the fish mongers might be a bit latter than me. My early arrival signaled to the locals, a gringo ready to spend, to every open location. The price jumped up much. What cost me 320 pesos the day before cost 1330 pesos($10USD) the next day, but it was damn good fish that lasted 5 days. Avocados jumped from $.30usd/ .60usd/KG. I was running out of pesos fast I left the market to hunt bargain Peso/US. At 8am Sat morning there isn’t much to choose from. I walked 15 blocks to change in $30USD and got ripped off by 20% by very friendly hotel clerk. Finally with cash in hand I was able to get my avocados, tomato's, bananas, etc. At 8:30 I’m headed to the boat with one thing on my list, BEER. Guess what? They don’t sell beer until 900am, and that’s when we have to leave, so no beer.
Kat Stories:
From La Paz
Driving in La Paz; coming back from the movies - Body of Lies, excellent flick by the way and price was right too - $9usd for the both on a Friday night - Wow- we jumped in a cab to head back to the boat. Anyhow, while in the taxi the Federales pulled up behind us, lights going but no siren. This goes on for several minutes when Brian finally mentions to our cab driver the presence of the police directly behind the cab! A subtle laugh ensues, but nothing else. No car, not one on the 2 lanes of traffic pulled out of the way, or yielded in any fashion. It was truly amazing. At the stop light everyone remained in line and in their respective places. Our cabbie then even cut them off (the policia). Finally the cops turned in a different direction. Whew! We both were relieved and astonished that no one paid any attention - again Wow!
I must also note that Alto (stop) signs must merely stand for:
Slow to Observe Pedestrians
I can only conclude this since the slowest we came to stopping at an actual stop sign was to slow to 20 kph - running right through it. Glad I don´t drive!
On a side note - Where are all the kitty cats in Mexico! I have only seen 2 since I have been here and heard one by Meow only!
Why does a tube of crest toothpaste, a bar of zest soap and a bag of peanuts costs a whooping total of $2.80 usd here and twice as much in the States? Don`t get me wrong, I am note complaining since I am now on the receiving end of this bargain!
Lycra (Full body skin swimsuit) is your friend, don´t leave home without one! Or go to the beach! I´ll explain later in depth but you have to put on clothes here to go swimming, not take them off! - MeOUCH