Day 5 Begins at 8:00 am, YEAH, moving slow around the boat as this is a day off to explore Catalina. Daylight reveals a small valley that looks like the lead in for M*A*S*H. We move from anchor to a mooring ball and headed ashore to catch the shuttle bus to Avalon. The dingy ride was short but not uneventful as the motor died once and we got hung up in an under water mooring line. We escaped both incidents with noting more than a slight delay. We arrive at the bus stop with time to spare only to find out that the shuttle only ran one way, once a day in the winter season. Our boat’s captain, Steven has a very sore right hand that was made worse trying to free the dingy from the mooring line, so I suggest we head to the bar for some pain relief and give us some time to come up with a new plan for the day. We decided that doing all the ships laundry would free us up of one big chore in bus riding San Diego. We headed back to the boat with no problems and loaded up the dingy with laundry and computers as there was free Wi-Fi at the bar, go figure! The rest of the day was spent doing laundry, drinking beer, cruising the net, drinking margaritas, and finally chowing down on some great 75 cent tacos. What a life.
And now the pictures:

Park in the Marina - Two Harbors

The M*A*S*H view -
Susan Reading at the deck Bar!