Brian writes: My watch ended at 4am. It was pretty easy to navigate, just aim for the oil platforms. We got some heavy winds rounding point Conception and manage to sail for 45 minute before the wind died and we had to fire up the “iron sail” Got to bed at 5:30am. At 8:00 Kat’s watch was to start but I was awake and she was sleeping well, so I rolled out and traded shifts with her. It was a sunny calm morning spent dodging oil platforms and motoring through many minor oil slicks. It is unbelievable the amount of acceptable/unreported slim that is allowed. I can’t wait for more drilling byproduct to drift ashore and the outrage to begin. I’m looking forward to being in Santa Barbara for the afternoon. I’m going to take a quick shower. A shower underway means turn on the shower and run the cold water on your legs until it gets warm then hose down the rest of yourself and shut the water off, soap down everywhere, and a final quick rinse. This last a total of 30 sec – 1 minute of actual water time. The 4 of us have to make 200 Gals of fresh water last a week. Distance traveled 170 miles.
McCain's vision?
1:30 pm: We arrive in S.B. and anchor just off the Sterns pier with 20 other boats about a ¼ mile off of the beach. We drop the dingy in the water and it doesn’t start. After a few minutes and a couple of beers drank, Captain Steven spent some time tearing down the engine’s carburetor and voila we are off to shore! First stop, West Marine, then to sushi and beer, and finally the grocery store (Ralph’s). I must say that Ralph’s was a surprise compared to most any bay area store. The Fresh Seafood counter wasn’t, the Fruit and veggies where just as bad, no health food section, and last, pay toilets! Kat and I walked downtown and back to the pier where we had a tasty salmon Caesar salad, and a heap of (Killer) nachos that would have feed 10. Back on board we spent the night rolling in the exposed anchorage that the city lets overnighter stay.
The dingy ride over to Santa Barbara
Oil slick trail going directly to the platform - Gross!!!!
War Memorial in Santa Barbara