Forgive me followers, for we have sinned! Okay, so I am totally falling down on the job and my resolution to blog more, and it's only January! Well, the confession is that there was not a whole lot to report, up until now, and we were just having fun, goofing off, catching sun rays, and drinking margaritas :)! Tough life, we know, but someone had to do it and we were definitely up for the responsibility- meow.
Well, the scene has changed. We have ventured back up to the Bay Area for what we thought was to get our finances in order, our tools, and our personal items to buy a boat. Not any boat, but Brian's dream boat. Now, I know you are all already thinking, that I was his dream boat, ha, ha, very funny, but seriously, it was a Kelly Petterson (KP) 44' sailboat. This is the same boat that the lady backed out of selling to us once before. So with great enthusiasm, we trekked by taxi, then bus, then plane up here, minus some bags we left in San Carlos (where the KP is located) and one Laptop computer. Now the laptop was not left behind on purpose, but rather stolen, we think in Mazatlan when we all had to get off the bus for a mandatory break/stop. On a side note, these long distance buses are great - comfy seats, bathrooms, curtains on the windows, TV's with movies playing the whole time, clean, and over head compartments, like a plane. That was our downfall. We placed the laptop in the overhead compartment and someone nabbed it. This is a big deal because, it had all our pictures on it from our trips to China, Belize, Costa Rica, Yosemite, blah, blah blah. You know, non replacable stuff. As well as all of our Music that we burned from the CD's we owned, which we in turn sold back to Rasputin's. Now, your thinking, didn't you have a back up? Why yes, we did have an external hard drive, but that was in the computer bag, along with the web cam and finally, wait for it... our Rosetta Stone Spanish language learning CD's - OMG could it get worst!!!!!
Okay, moving on, so we would have to spend another boat dollar ($1,000) to replace the laptop, since the mini computer I got us for Christmas is just not big enough (the screen) to run our navigational programs on. Plus, we were going to use the big laptop for the chart plotter and also to watch movies on, etc. Okay, so we had a plan which is all now null and void - again! The boat seller just pulled out of the deal for the second time late last night, via email - ARRRRRRUGH!!!
Disappointed does not begin to cover how we are feeling right now. Trying to come up with another plan so stay tuned....
Boatless, laptop compterless in San Francisco
~Meow & Bri