Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bratislava, Slovikia

How do you say, “Thank You” again? I want to be able to at least say that! “Dank-u-em” (phonetically spelled of course), is what we came up with. Right, so we arrived at 9am-ish and were completely discomboobulated! Dazed, I went into the bus terminal for the loo. Amazingly enough, they took both Hungarian Kc & Euros! So far, so good.

Next, book our passage to Zurich. This is was the whole reason we were here after all. Success at last, and it was sweet. We were booked on that evening’s 5pm bus, arriving, wait for it, at 6am! What is up with Eurolines? This was evil and I was not about to ask my Cousin Doris to pick us up then.

Men at Work

Just a quirky statue

The Watcher

Some quick facts about the city. There is a massive castle that has survived many sieges on a hill over looking the city. The city is on the Danube River which was the northern border of the Roman Empire. The area is known as Bohemia and is the other part of Czech-slovika. Many cultures have lived here as described in

Making the most of our time, we ditched our packs in baggage storage and headed off to the bus stop to go into town. It was a bright and sunny morning. Some nice people helped up figure out tickets, and when the correct bus finally came, we were off. The first thing we came across was a vegetarian restaurant, and it was right next to the internet café. Terrific! So funny, since we have been having trouble finding internet cafés, that in this small, recently formed country, we ran right into it! Anyhow, we were suddenly hit by hunger and had to eat. The veggie place was great. Next, we went shopping! Brian picked up some much needed new shorts, while I hunted down the perfect purse. In the end, I came up empty – just too many to choose from. We then stumbled upon the old town, complete with cobblestone streets, and a main square with a church. It was fabulous. What set this city apart were the quirky little statues, subtly placed around the city. We were able to locate “the watcher” and “men at work”, but not the “paparazzi” statue. This was so much fun. After another quick shopping bonanza for bus snacks, and I got some fabulous new shades, we walked back to the bus terminal. It felt good to stretch the legs and it was so nice outside we had to take advantage. Good thing because we were in for the bus ride from hell……

Coat of Arms

Bri with all our bags!