One of the main reasons to be on this side of the globe was to attend our friend's from SF, Thai wedding in October. The wedding was set to occur on the 10th hour (am), of the 10th day, of the 10th month, of the 10th year, and lasted 14 hours (if you count the 2 hours of prep time)! And, it was to happen at the home they built.
First, there was a parade of the grooms family & friends (us included), who brought food offerings to Vena's family, the groom having to "buy" his way into the family (and had to brow additional money from others since he ran out) and all. Then there was all of Vena's siblings (15 of them) & their kids, the ceremony, the blessings, the food, the pool party, the reception, the singers, the Thai dancers, and then more food (jumping shrimp salad - yes it was alive, now that's fresh). Too bad I didn't have much of an appetite.
Their beautiful home
It was a wonderful day and we felt very privileged and bless to be included in their special day. Unfortunately, the camera battery died and we only had taken a few pictures, but hopefully we will get more from others at at later time. Plenty of pictures were taken by all. But, click her to view our Pictures: