Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ao Nang, Hong Islands, & Phi Phi

Ko Mook was great and we planned on island hopping our way through the southern islands. One problem - it was low season and apparently a lot of forms of public transportation were just not running = i.e. ferries, mini vans & buses.

We paid extra to avoid going through Trang again only to have to go through Trang, again. Well, that's traveling for you and just part of the adventure.

Anyhow, we arrived late in our next destination. A little town called Ao Nang, near the popular beach town of Krabi. It was great! It was like we walked into civilization again with a Starbucks and Subway. Yeah I know, but that Starbucks latte was so hard to resist and soooooooo good. Meow!

All kidding aside, this was a very cute little beach town. And, it was perfect for my morning runs. Can you say beach and shopping and massage oh my.
Since our plans to island hop were derailed because of low season we opted for a Hong island tour as the next best thing.
The morning of the 5 island tour however, it rained so hard that we had serious doubts of going. So did the tour people who asked if we still wanted to as the streets started to flood out. Being that everyone else was game and we had nothing else to do, we went for it.

We boarded the speed boat via the beach.. It was going to be a wet one! The weather cleared, the islands were beautiful, and we had a nice day of swimming, snorkeling and sightseeing after all.
Next stop, a quick ferry ride on one that was running, over to Phi Phi island. Pronounced Pee Pee. So that explains why it's pronounced "Poo ket", and not "fucket". he he. This was the hardest hit of all the places in Thailand, during the Phuket Tsunami due to it's shape. All I can say is that it has recovered. It's like the Miami beach, spring break of Thailand. We didn't make it to the full moon party, but our sheetrock free, all wood hotel, had a litter of kittens, so I didn't care about anything else.

I got double the trouble, and am loving it
We shared a great dinner on the beach, toes in the sand, with a great sunset and a bottle of wine. I don't know if it was the Mexican food, margarita's or the Thai food, but that night didn't go so well. By the next morning I was feeling better, but not great. That's okay, I had a day to recover before the Vegetarian festival began back in Phuket town.