Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Katoomba - The Blue Mountains

What can I say, if you come to Australia, this place is not to be missed. But, I'll let the pictures do the talking. It's not that it is very high up, but the physical features are unique, beautiful, and quite accessible. Meaning you can hike all over the place, and really feel connected to nature. The wild cockatoos just add to it.
This is Australia's tallest mountain range ( about 4500 ft) that features what would be Australia's version of the grand canyon. It is steeped in aboriginal history to boot ( white man didn't get to screw it up until 1850). The most prominent being a rock feature called the "3 sisters", at Echo Point. The town is Katoomba and resembles something out of a old western mountain town. We had a pizza one foggy night at small cafe where we ate by the fireside and drank a bottle BYO of "cheeky red" wine.
Even though it rained while we stayed hear, and it was fiercely cold, we had a blast. As the first stop on our tour, this was a first time experience for us both. If you ever make it here, don't miss hiking the scenic walkway at the bottom of the Ferber stairs. It is a rain forest at the bottom of the canyon and a pine forest on top. Then ride the converted coal train back to the top (I suggest you take it back up like we did unless your a masochist - 1800 steps). This is a 52 degree grade, which feels like a 90, that takes you back to the top in mer minutes!