Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Camping out - Boring

Totally bummed out about our trip being cut short and not making it up to Cairns or Darwin, we started to head back towards Brisbane. Since our little Fuzy could only reach max speeds of 70kph (like 40 - 45mph), we needed to stay off the highway, but close enough to civilization so if she halted completely we would not be stranded. Since we had a week before our flight left we had a little time to do some short hops down the coast. The first one being boring.

Actually, it was Booreen Point, in the Noose Heads area, but it is pronounced "Boring Pt". This was no car park but a full on family/RV camp ground on a huge lake. We didn't realize we would be there at the start of "summer break". Which meant invasion of the short warriors, otherwise known as children in the wild. Even though we set up our tent, it was way too cold to sleep in it, and with Brian predicting heavy rain overnight, we stayed in the van.

I did get in a nice run through the little town and Brian and I got to be harassed by the locals when we went out for a glass of wine at the historic hotel. We left the next morning, packing our tent and gear in the pouring rain, as a huge monsoon storm rolled in and down the coast. We drove through the very swanky, but highly expensive town of Noosa heads as we hit the coast.

Later we would learn that it flooded the campground out. Good thing we moved on. Wet kitty = unhappy kitty!